Excursion Pictures
Find Excellent pictures of your SNUBA Adventure at SNUBA St Maarten (St Martin for some) right here. Just click on your excursion date and you’ll find breathtaking images ready and waiting for you.
The SNUBA St Maarten family wants you to have the best experience possible, so we have taken it upon ourselves to take photo’s of your SNUBA Adventure for you! Now you can focus on fully enjoying the experience in real life instead of trough the tiny screen of your camera!
How to find your photo’s?
Just look up the date of your SNUBA Excursion and you will find your photo’s right there! By donating a small amount to cover our Internet bandwidth and time to receive your 2048*1536 size photo’s and relive the adventure every day! (files 10-100MB)
The images depicted on the page itself are just a SAMPLE of what is in the downloadable file . The downloadable file usually has many more photo’s.
New Photo System as of August 2019
As of August 2019, we have implemented a new system, for pictures which works just like regular shopping card websites you are already familiar with.
Important to realize!
You will need to download the .zip file on a computer or on a mobile with a ZIP App for you to enjoy your photo’s. it will not work on a phone or tablet. You also need to accept Cookies from our website.
Have fun browsing!
2020 Pictures of SNUBA SXM
Older images. Where and what?
All images that were previously published that are older than the ones still available above, have been removed from our website. We figured that after 3 months, you would no longer be interested.
All the images we have been taking of you are available for approximately 3 months. After that, we only keep the large ones in an offline backup (discontinued). All others are deleted.
Picture Backup Service (discontinued)
Since the 6th of July 2019, we are now creating and storing backups of all big pictures taken during all SNUBA tours. These backups will be available past the 3 month period. We will charge you $75 to upload and then send you the link to the pictures from our backup.
Use your pictures in social media and reviews
We at SNUBA SXM are incredibly happy with five star reviews as they bring us more business over time. Good places to post your pictures and reviews are:
All pictures that are found on the website are taken with your implied permission. When you filled in the SNUBA Liability Waiver, you agreed with this, unless you checked the box where it states you do not want any pictures to be used for our publications.
If you need us to remove your pictures from our SNUBA St Maarten website, you may let us know by sending an email. In the email you will have to list the date and all the filename(s) of the pictures you want us to delete. Pictures that have been deleted due to your actions, cannot be retrieved in any way and are not backed up.
- We are also listed on:
- https://sintmaarten.links.nl/
- http://sintmaarten.linkjespagina.nl