Our awesome new watersports platform is finished
After months of working on an idea and spending many hours with and without staff designing and building, we finally have our gorgeous platform in Little Bay back
Hurricane Irma in September 2017 took #1
Our first platform was completed on August 30, 2017. We were so happy with it and a few lucky guests actually had a chance to use it for our watersports activities, which currently consist of SNUBA, Snorkeling and SCUBA education.
Only 6 days after completion, Hurricane Irma took the platform and went with it. We have never found a splinter of it back. We think it broke free from it’s chains and just drifted out to see, or was flung there.
Donations made the difference
Many of our former guests, who apparently really liked us, decided to chip in and allow us to rebuild. This was of course heartwarming and it really did. We went from a boat that was completely destroyed, to having one that is very pretty and better than ever.
Take a look at what our boat looks like now and you’ll be amazed…
It took 4 crew, 10 hours per day for 4 months straight to get everything done. We pretty much rebuild our boat in order to run our watersports business again. But, we were ready for operations at Christmas 2017!
Now, the watersports platform
Finally, two years later, we also finished the basic platform. The platfrorm is 20 ft long and wide and has a docking attachment that is also 20ft long and 12 ft wide (the L-shaped part).
We have been using it for a few weeks now and slowly get to the point where we are 100% satisfied. Little work is left for later.
Future of the platform
Still to add to the platform is the mini-golf. Just a few holes for fun for the guests who are waiting for their turn. We also want to attach an underwater platform, so the entry into the water becomes much easier and even more guests can enjoy SNUBA from our platform, without the initial anxiety. Stay tuned.
Find us on Facebook here: Facebook/SNUBASXM
Picture galleries can be found here: Gallery of SNUBA SXM
Pictures say much more than words…..
Without much further due, let us show you what our new watersports platform looks like. These are pictures taken during an exciting birthday party for some kids. What a wonderful experience for everybody!