Boat Maintenance at SNUBA St Maarten
After another year of great use of our new boat, it is time for some necessary, healthy maintenance to ensure proper operations.
Our captain has first taken care of our engine. a few days worth of work between cleaning, de-greasing, rust removal and spray-painting new enamel, we are in great shape for operations in the upcoming season.
Painting parts
The deck of the boat also needs a bit of a makeover, so we are sanding and painting it this week as well. Although that is usually just a visual that changes quickly for the worse, at least in some of the pictures it really looks good.
We have found a possible new solution for the deck. Stuff called eva-foam is also available for marine applications and we are looking at it to replace the top layer of the deck. Would it not be nice is the deck becomes maintenance free, non skid, but at the same time doesn’t feel like actual sand paper?
Progress on the new SNUBA SXM platform
From quick sketch on a piece of paper to a functional and great looking entertainment platform. It is all happening as we write this. The waterproofed decking of the new platform is almost done. Tomorrow the first floats go in the water for the addition of our little docking pier and the tiny smoking platform.
We realize some people need their cigarettes and although we do not promote smoking and diving, there is no real good reason to exclude people, so we decided to make a small peninsula-platform to extend our services. We should have her ready for the grass, tables and gorgeous umbrella’s. We can’t wait till this is ready and we can entertain more people at a time comfortably.
New progress pictures will be posted in about a week. Stay updated!
Any questions? Contact us here for more information.